Tapu Bay Project
Region: Nelson-Tasman
Contact Person: Paul Mosley
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The Tapu Bay Restoration Project aims to restore native dune vegetation communities to coastal sand spits in Tapu Bay, just north of Motueka. Almost none of the sandy coastline of Tasman Bay is in its original condition; the sand dunes and sand spits around the Bay are largely covered by marram, gorse and broom, pine trees, and other planted and invasive exotic species. Two sand spits in Tapu Bay are small enough that removal of the invasive weeds and restoration of the indigenous vegetation cover is feasible. The project is doing exactly that, over a three-year period of weed clearance and planting, to be followed by two or more years of maintenance to allow the indigenous plants to become fully established. Anyone is welcome to participate in the Project, through working bees (planting generally in May or August; weed removal at various other times of year) or by propagating and growing plants.
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